Dog Licenses
Wisconsin State Statute Section 95.21(2) and 174.07(1)(b) state that the owner of a dog five (5) months of age on January 1, or five months of age, shall, or on or before the date the dog becomes five (5) months of age, pay the dog license tax and obtain a license. It further requires that evidence that the dog is currently immunized against rabies must be presented before a license can be issued. Failure to obtain a license prior to April 1 or within thirty (30) days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog, or if the owner fails to obtain a license on or before the dog reaches five (5) months of age, a late fee of $10 will be assessed.
- • $6 Spayed/Neutered
- • $13 Unspayed/Unneutered
- • $10 Late Fee after April 1
Licenses will not be issued for dogs that the owner has failed to send along with the payment a copy of the rabies vaccination. If you sent one in last year with your payment, the clerk will still require a copy for this year’s license. This rabies certificate must show (1) rabies vaccination manufacturer, (2) serial or lot number of vaccination, (3) date vaccination was given and when it expires, (4) dog’s name, breed, sex, and color, and (5) owner’s name and address. A receipt that your vet prints out showing that a one or three year rabies was administered is not valid.